The inspiration to ride can come from anywhere. On Monday, the motivating factor was the lush texture in the sky and the prospect of a beautiful sunrise…


– A blog and video by Rob Arnold



Up early. Quick coffee, some muesli and yoghurt. Get dressed while catching up on the news. Shoes on. Out the door. Clip in. Ride. The morning routine can be done in haste but I prefer to take my time. It’s a great time of day too; waiting for the bird song and knowing the roads are largely empty, even in a big city.

Traffic will eventually come and stifle the good vibes on offer but early in the morning, there’s hope on the horizon as the sun works some light into the day.

When it’s summer in Sydney, there coast offers myriad options for spectacular views and an excuse to get out of bed.

I don’t need any excuses. But it is good to have a plan.

Yesterday the intention was simple: be in the water by the time the sun rises. Cool off, start the day a different way, get to the office after having done some exercise and seeing things in a different light.

The sunrise and a sea pool provided the motivation – and the destination – and there were many rewards.


– By Rob Arnold


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